How stories you tell yourself influence your decisions

Why the stories you tell yourself dramatically impact your ability to learn – Podcast 29

How stories you tell yourself influence your decisions

Discover the extent to which the stories you tell yourself both impact on you (including how you see the world, what motivates you, and decisions you make) and your ability to influence others you want to inspire.

In today’s interview, I speak with leading international authority on motivation and decision making, academic author, speaker, and Jeffrey Breakenridge Keller Professor of Behavioural Science and Marketing at The University of Chicago Booth School of Management, Ayelet Fischbach about how the stories you tell yourself can: a) Hamper your ability to learn from failures and advice, and b) Undermine your capacity to adopt new habits you want to acquire.

Why lessons from failure stories depend on who failed (or gives you advice)

Lean in as we discuss:

  • Studies into how people react to failures and why this affects your ability to learn from mistakes – both your own and those made by other people
  • The stories you’ll likely tell yourself if things don’t go to plan (and why it matters)
  • Surprising truths about whose advice you are most apt to value and find motivational 
  • The critical role narratives play in self-motivation and facilitating changes to habits
  • How advance-planning can help you to overcome temptations that could otherwise stop you from changing habits you want to adopt
  • Coping with the disruptive effects of the COVID crisis and the rise of remote working 
  • Why it’s human nature to have dips in energy and cut corners when trying new things
  • And more

Ready to find and share more powerful and inspiring stories?

If you’re open to learning how to find, hone, and share powerful stories that can help you to inspire others at a new level, contact me at I’ll be delighted to help you.


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