Why smart disruptive leaders embrace stories – Podcast 24

Want to break free from stories and ways of thinking that may be holding your business back and to find increasingly better stories for you, the teams you lead, and your customers? Then you’re in the right place.

In today’s interview I speak with international keynote speaker on corporate disruption, comedian and pal Tom Lightning about how companies don’t disrupt, people do AND how you can use stories to disrupt those you want to influence (including yourself).

Why disruptive storytelling leads to better change

  • Why leaders must choose to challenge themselves to break free of old patterns
  • Why stories shared by the real you and with the right body language are so memorable
  • How audiences relate to examples of others who decided to do some differently
  • Lessons from a flying angry bird with a microphone about asking questions to really hear audience stories and bring them ‘into the room’
  • Why it pays to disrupt yourself by challenging yourself with a ‘just try it’ mentality
  • The importance of becoming more aware of stories you unconsciously tell others
  • Game-changing inspiration you can take from a Delhi audience
  • A decision you need to make to achieve the stories you desire more often

Need help to tell stories that inspire change?

If you’d like to learn more about how to source, hone and deliver stories that will inspire others to think and act differently – contact me at eobrien@thersc.ie.

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