embrace inclusive storytelling

Want to embrace diversity in your business? Here’s how inclusive storytelling can help – Podcast 22

embrace inclusive storytelling

Learn why it’s so important for organisations of every size to have a more inclusive approach to corporate storytelling.

In today’s podcast, I’m delighted to introduce you to Jackie Handy, one of the UK’s most prominent speakers and trainers on diversity and inclusion, about the role stories can play in creating a culture that welcomes, leverages and embraces the power and potential of greater inclusion in the workplace (which, in turn, creates conditions that encourage more creativity and shared meaning for all in any organisation)

How to embrace inclusive stories to create a more welcoming and positive corporate culture

Lean in as we discuss

  • How Jackie’s personal stories led her to champion the power of inclusivity
  • What inclusivity is really about and how inclusion differs from diversity
  • How small stories can trump grand diversity strategies and plans
  • How a young Jackie learned about coping with being bullied and prejudice
  • Why leaders need to hear and start conversations without fear of making mistakes
  • ‘The Power of I’ Facebook forum – which offers a safe space to ask questions about diversity and inclusion with respect and honesty (contact Jackie if you wish to be invited to this group)
  • A story that shows the challenges of overcoming ignorance in the workplace
  • Feedback after a TedX talk about why recognising differences matters to everyone
  • A realisation that most people have experienced exclusion in life and how we can work together to achieve a better, more inclusive way forward
  • And more

Lean in as we discuss:


your next steps

Discover how to share stories that motivate and persuade

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