Do You Need to Pay More Attention to Feelings When Leading Others? Podcast 49

Emotional ReactionsWhat’s your take on considering feelings when leading others in the workplace work? Should they be parked outside the office or invited in?

Whether you’re sharing message from the podium, at meetings, or one on one – are your more inclined to focus on tasks ahead of moods in the camp and matters emotional or vice-versa?

As you think about that, here’s something you should know: research shows that the answer to this question really matters.

It turns out that paying more attention to the emotional state of those you interact with or seek to influence can have a dramatic effect on business performance and more.

And the impact or payoff goes beyond the small matter of better productivity and profits…

…It can also affect staff: morale, turnover, health and well-being, creativity, sense of worth, and more.

In essence, being prepared to be more in touch with the emotions of those around you creates a virtuous circle of heightened motivation a rising tide, if you like, that lifts all boats.

But, let’s call a spade a shovel here. You know and I know, this kind of thinking can be easier said that done.

In some organisations, the more senior you become or the more senior the folks you interact with, the more serious you’re expected to be too. And if that captures the culture in your organisation, you’ll know how hard it is to tilt against that windmill.

And here’s another thing; it can be tough to have the time or patience to stop and talk emotions if you’re feeling hot under the collar because deadlines or performance goals aren’t being met.

Truth is, even if you want to pay more attention to hearts as well as heads – or as Harvard Business Review writers Susan David and Christina Congleton referred to it as ‘emotional agility’ – it can take a deal of effort.

So what should you know about embracing moods, emotions, and how the brain works?

That’s the topic for today’s expect interview – when I had the chance to catch up with leadership expert, incoming President of the Professional Speaking Association Thames Valley Region, and founder of Limbic Leadership, Peter Green.

Lean in as we delve into why focusing on feelings can be your ticket to greater audience connection in the workplace and beyond.

Why Learning How the Brain Works Can Transform Your Leadership Skills

• Employee feelings: Do you need to care?
• Why ignoring matters emotional could cost your business a packet
• The case for upping employee connection to combat bare compliance
• Why an ability to think ‘social’ and beyond work can be so transformative
• How ‘limbic leadership thinking can open doors to better productivity and profits
• The folly of employees joining companies but leaving their managers and what to do about it
• How catching people doing things right can dramatically improve the mood in your camp
• What you need to know about the desire to connect at a social level
• Disconnection Lessons: Could a stitch in time have made a difference?

Over to You

Share your thoughts or observations when it comes to paying more attention to the emotions of those you’d like to influence.

Have you found that it matters or do you hold other views? And what about passion (yours and others)?

Whatever you think, I’d love to hear what you have to say.


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Photo Credit: RapportCenter

Photo Credit: Daniel


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