Knock Every Online
Presentation Out
of The Park

How to Deliver Awesome Virtual Talks

Knock Every Online Presentation Out of The Park

How to Deliver Awesome Virtual Talks

You’ll uncover:
  • 3 Critical things to get right every time you give a virtual presentation
  • How to create engaging messages and conversations that command attention from remote online meeting attendees
  • How to conquer your speaking nerves and speak to a camera like a pro
  • The art of using stories to delight, captivate and transform virtual audience experiences (and to enhance your speaking experiences too)
  • How to achieve interaction with audiences you can’t see and inspire action

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"A consummate professional speaker who really talks the talk! If you’re a professional, business owner or entrepreneur with a fear of speaking in public, Eamonn is your remedy"

Raymond Sexton
CEO, Tangible Ireland

"Selfless in delivery, adds value, and tells stories to make his points memorable"

Leonard Brown
President CIMA Northern Ireland

"A highly engaging speaker. His tips and insights were extremely valuable."

Mark Lee
CEO of Stand Out Talks, Author and Debunker of Myths
Work with Eamonn O'Brien Today

Stop procrastinating.
Start speaking memorably.

If you’ve ever wished to be a public speaker who inspires, now is the ideal time to get started.

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Call +1 (269) 769 3670