On Inspiring Stories: What You Can Learn From the Barefoot Wine Story – Podcast 57

The Power of Inspiring StoriesDon’t you just love it when you’re drawn into, and held spellbound by, inspiring real-life stories?

Me too. And the same is true when you’re speaking to most any audience.

And the reason is simple, the outcomes are less certain and they have extra layers of edge and humanity that make them more compelling. And here’s what tends to happen when you share them ahead of apocryphal tales…

…You’ll more readily:

  • Capture imaginations
  • Connect with others at an emotional level, and
  • Even cause audiences to wonder what they’d do if faced with the same situations you describe

And this is never more true than when your stories illustrate how human spirit can triumph against immense adversities and challenges.

After all, it’s human nature to root for those who have been prepared to fight against the odds, to make the hard yards, to overcame set back after set back, and who finally, through a combination of skill, wit, sheer determination, and, yes, even a few strokes of luck, earn a just reward.

Stirring stuff, right? And if that sounds up your alley, you’re in for a treat in today’s expert interview when I had the opportunity to chat with the founders of the famous Barefoot Wine brand, authors of the New York Times best selling book The Barefoot Spirit, and entrepreneurial cheerleaders Michael Houlihan and Bonnie Harvey about their rags to riches stories.

Lean in to learn from their tales of what it really took to become an ‘overnight success’ when, after 20 years of boot strapping, grafting, and sleepless nights, they built a business, despite starting with zero budget and no experience in the wine trade, to a point where they sold it to E. & J. Gallo Winery…And how, today, Barefoot is the largest wine brand in the the world!

Uncover why injecting more ‘heart’ into the stories you share will help you to connect with your audiences at a deeper level…And, why products are far less important than how you distribute and market whatever you choose to sell.

Why Audiences Will be More Passionate When You Tell Stories With Greater Heart

Listen in as we discuss:

  • 18,000 bottles sitting on a wall and “I guess we’re in the wine business”!
  • Why it pays to talk with everyone who touches your product before it gets to store shelves (e.g. learning how colours choices can help you sell more)
  • A lessons from a soaking at a Piggly-Wiggly store and the power of resilience
  • How a community focus created support for an unknown brand
  • Surfers hanging ten and working together to reach from coast to coast
  • Why creating a movement and a wine to go with it created a level of ‘heart and spirit’ that grew from strength to strength
  • The challenges of ‘getting going’ and building support networks, DIY style
  • When trying to grow too fast and too soon can cause you grief
  • A business truth – why awesome platforms (combined with empathy) is a bigger determinant of sales success than the awesomeness of product
  • And more

Your Turn

What stories have inspired you and what about stories you tell that stir up excitement in others?

Let me know…I’d love to hear from you.

And…One More Thing: Here’s Your Ticket to Being Heard And Remembered

How to Make Powerful SpeechesI’m delighted to announce that ‘How to Make Powerful Speeches 2nd Edition – A Step-by-Step Guide to Inspiring and Memorable Speeches’ is now available on Amazon: http://amzn.to/1CN10OS

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