How to Win Investments From Angel Investors – 5 Insights Every Entrepreneur Should Know

What an Angel Investor Really Wants to Know

According to a Harvard/MIT report cited by the Kaufman Foundation: ‘If you can win investments from angel investors, the chances of your business being a success are significantly higher’.

Of course, this stands to reason as angel investors commonly offer high potential entrepreneurs far more than mere financial support…

…They can also bring ideas, expertise, contacts, introductions, access to resources and collaborations, and more, to a business. And when you put all of these things together, they can lead to serious, accelerated business growth prospects.

Really valuable, right?

And it begs the question, what can you do to increase the chances that you can be among the small percentage of entrepreneurs they choose to back?

And the answer is, try to the knock the following out of the park in your investment pitches…

What Angel Investors Want to Know About Your Business When Assessing If You’re A Good Bet

…Lean in today’s video to hear me delve into:

1. Crucial acid tests angel investors will likely apply to your big idea
2. Two things you want them to believe about any solutions you propose
3. Why you need to have awesome answers to the why you (which means ‘your team’) question
4. The importance of knowing ‘what you want’ from your potential investors
5. Why investors will want to be reassured by your exit plans

If you’d like to learn how to tell a better story for you or your business, contact me at I’ll be delighted to help you.

Credit for Picture of Angel Investor Ron Conway: Kevin Krejci










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