Find leaderships stories that inspire during a crisis

How to find leadership stories that boost team morale and results during a crisis – Podcast 30

Find leaderships stories that inspire during a crisis

Leaders, learn which stories are most likely to ‘register with’, ‘win attention from’, and ‘inspire action’ within your team during this Coronavirus crisis.

In today’s podcast I’m delighted to welcome back a fellow specialist in transformative business storytelling, who is also a noted author, facilitator, coach, and trainer and is based in San Diego, Dr Karen Dietz – as we discuss the types of stories that can help leaders to cause their teams, clients, prospects and peers to think and act differently during a time of crisis.

And please note, Karen has kindly shared a toolkit that she created recently to help you find and share transformational stories that matter that you can download below.

9 Ideas that’ll help you find the stories your team needs to conquer uncertainty

Lean in as we discuss:

  • Why story centric conversations are so essential when tackling big changes
  • The importance of getting past tactical information and embracing more humanised and personal conversation when facing uncertain times
  • 3 types of stories leaders need to navigate crisis situations with more success
  • Why you must regularly revisit stories you tell to be in sync with what’s needed now
  • The power of listening for stories and why it matters even more if the chips are down
  • Secrets to encouraging team members (including any reluctant souls) to share stories
  • How stories can help you and your teams to address and overcome anxious situations
  • The #1 type of story that will buoy team member spirits during a crisis
  • Stories that won’t serve you well during a crisis you must avoid (and rapidly negate should they emerge)
  • And more

To access a free copy of Karen’s ‘Transformational Communication for Exceptional Leadership’ toolkit, please click here.

Want to bring your storytelling impact to the next level?

To learn how I can help you to find, hone, and deliver stories that will help you to ignite and inspire others at new and more powerful levels, contact me at

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Find leaderships stories that inspire during a crisis

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