Craft new stories that eat uncertainty for breakfast and build resilience – Podcast 26

Learn how building resilience during this coronavirus crisis can help you to get through times of great uncertainty by shaping the inspiring stories you need to tell yourself and others.
Check out my recent conversation with veteran army officer Nicki Bass who specialises in leadership and resilience through adventure workshops about how to unearth new, powerful, and inspiring stories at times when you need them most.
How leaders can build upon stories you tell yourself and others to boost resilience
Lean in as we discuss:
- Building core resilience that keep you going when faced by uncertainty
- Why you shouldn’t try to ignore that little voice in your head
- How to keep going and thinking when stories don’t unfold as expected
- What you can learn about stepping up and letting go from military exercises
- Stories to tell yourself/others when you’re expected to act but you’re no expert
- Why it pays to become more comfortable with what you don’t know
- And more