7 Tips to Develop the Personal Brand You Always Wanted – Podcast 41

What Are You Known For?Regardless of your experience or the depth of expertise you possess, if you’re a speaker who fails to pay attention to cultivating a winning presence and personal brand online…

…you face the prospect of losing out to speakers who do.

That’s not to say that the attractions of good old-fashioned offline visibility and networking have gone away. Far from it.

Rather, you need to do more to be seen and thought about these days. You have to be where your target audiences are looking when deciding who they’ll heed, who they’ll choose to learn more about, and which conversations they wish to continue. And net, net, net (if you’ll pardon the pun) this means you simply must be online.

Of course, as mentioned in previous posts, the snag for anyone seeking visibility online is that you’re competing with ‘gob smackingly’ large volumes of noise. And worse still, attention spans have dropped to less than a few seconds!

Therein lies a problem or three. If you want to get noticed, you need to hone your online communication skills to a point that you can breakthrough the clutter to attract the attention and trust you crave.

And it’s not enough to be as good as the next guy. Forget about me too thinking…

…You need your personality, the value you offer, and what makes you just that bit different to shine through – causing your audience to stop a while, to have conversations with you, and, ultimately, to happily develop a relationship with you that’ll last.

And all the while, as the Irish writer and wit Oscar Wilde advised so sagely over a 100 years ago –  long before the words ‘Internet’ or ‘Googling’ ever appeared in a sentence –  make it your mantra to: “Be Yourself; everyone else is already taken!”

Spot on Oscar. Words to live by!

But what’s the best way to achieve these ends?

That’s the topic for today’s expert interview when I had the opportunity to quiz author, speaker, stand up comedian, and one of the world’s leading authorities on Google + marketing, Martin Shervington about what it really takes to cultivate an awesome personal brand online.

The Art of Crafting a More Powerful Personal Brand Online

Listen in as we discuss:

  • The secrets to finding and sharing your voice when creating online presence
  • Why simply saying howdy and being interested can open many doors for you
  • A fast or slow decision that’ll influence who pays attention to you and why
  • How to become known for something and why it matters
  • 3 Reasons why it’s better for online communities to evolve naturally
  • Why it pays to crave and nurture relationships ahead of sales
  • How taking a slower lane can help you go faster online
  • And more

Your Turn

What are your views or observations about the best ways to cultivate a winning personal brand?

What challenges have you encountered while building online presence and what have you learned from these experiences that you’d happily share with others?

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